
How To Increase Your Flexibility!

Let’s talk about how to increase your flexibility! Most people believe that flexibility is something that you are born with; When in reality, anyone can be or become flexible. I’m the living proof that anyone can become flexible. Last year, I couldn’t even touch my toes, but now, after a LOT of practice and consistency, I can do it. Keep reading to see how you can increase your flexibility like I did!

DAILY stretching

If you want to increase your flexibility, you need to start stretching EVERY DAY. It can be a 5 to 10 minutes full body stretch, or a specific muscle group stretch. You might feel a lot of tensions in your neck area, so you decide to stretch your neck only. Simple! One of the main benefits of stretching is to increase flexibility. Therefore, imagine what stretching consistently will do your body. It’s my priority to stretch every day, even if it’s for 5 minutes.


Yoga has been such a big help in increasing my flexibility! If you haven’t yet, you can read my post “Let’s Talk About Yoga” right here . The different asanas (poses) of yoga allow your muscles to stretch, which then increase your flexibility. I practice yoga everyday, it’s another one of my priorities. There are so many tools that you can use to start practicing yoga, so don’t be afraid to be a beginner. A few of the tools that I use are youtube, Instagram and the Nike training app.

Full Range Motion Exercises

For some exercises like squats, push-ups and bicep curls, the joints can go farther than expected. For example, in a squat position, one usually stay knee/glutes level. However, if you go a couple inches lower than your knees, you’re stretching out your quads, hamstrings, and soleus. If you haven’t figure it out by now, stretching = flexibility.

Use Yoga Props

If you don’t know, props are tools like yoga belt and yoga blocks/bricks that can help you achieve the asanas. I use my yoga blocks ALL the time; they played a big role in helping me touch my toes! Some people don’t like them because they make you look like a beginner, UT never be afraid to be a beginner. Every yogis, or bendy person that you admire start somewhere right? Right!

Drink water

You probably knew this one was coming somehow. Our muscles are composed of over 70% of water! Therefore staying hydrated help our muscles stay in shape and healthy which allow them to flex/stretch out. If you are a person who for some reason don’t like or don’t drink enough water, try to infuse water. Check out my infused water post to learn more!

These are 5 main tips that have helped me become more flexible! Increasing your flexibility requires a lot of patience and consistency. Therefore, always be gentle with yourself! You will want to give up at some points, hence it is important to surround yourself (physically and virtually) with people who share the same visions with you. Follow yogis on Instagram so you can always be inspired by them to keep going!

I hope this post was very helpful to you in your journey to become flexible! Feel free to leave more tips in the comment section down below. Also, tell me which one you’re already implying in your routine.

Let’s be friends on Instagram @smileymaruth , I post a lot of encouraging, motivating, inspiring words on my stories and feed. I also share my meals and workouts on there regularly.

Stay safe,


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