If you sit a lot or have long hours college classes/work or do a lot of computer work from your desk, this post is for you! Even if any of the above does not really apply to you, this post will be very beneficial to you, therefore keep reading! Personally, when I’m working at my desk, I’ll usually stop every 30 mins to just stretch because my muscles tend to get super tense quickly from sitting in one place for a long time. Below are five stretches (+ a bonus) that always help me to relax, focus and reduce tension in my body when I sit for a long time! I’m sure they’ll work wonders for you too!
1- Shoulder Stretch.
2- Neck Stretch.
Stress can affect our neck muscles by causing us to unconsciously tighten them as a way to deal with trauma or difficult situations, real or not. Also, it gets worse when we are driving or sitting all day (Yoga International). Stretching the neck will help lower the risk for tension headache. You will automatically feel the whole body relaxed and released all the stress.
3- Side stretch.
Side stretch is a great way to relax the upper body while taking a break from your desk activities. It targets a lot of muscles in the upper body such as the ones in the neck, shoulders, chest and the core. While doing this stretch, do your best to take deep breaths so you can strengthen the muscles in the chest and the diaphragm (Tummee).
4- Seated Spinal Twist.
I feel like everyone at some point in their lives have done this stretch. I remember started doing it in high school during my long hours classes and since then it’s been a favorite of mine. The Seated spinal twist helps relieves stiffness in the upper body especially in the neck and the shoulders. It tones, stretches the muscles of the spine; Also helps you relax and get rid of stress.
5- Seated Leg Extensions.
For this stretch, do your best to keep your legs straight as possible, also point your toes. You can start small by doing one leg at a time, then, once you get the hang of it, do both legs. This stretch helps to get healthy circulation throughout the legs, especially when you are seated for long period of time; It also help tone the quads.
Bonus- Sit tall and breathe
Sit tall and take 10 deep breaths. This will help lower stress in your body, make you feel more confident, help you stay focus and clear your mind. Also, it will improve both air and blood circulation throughout the body.
Happy Monday beautiful people! I really hope you try these stretches because they will spice up your routine! Definitely let me know how you like them in the comments below or through my social medias which are all linked below.