How to Stay Motivated to Work out and Eat Healthy (Part 1)

One question that I get asked very often is how do I stay motivated to workout and eat healthy with a busy schedule. Therefore, today I decided to write about some tips that have helped me and will help you stay motivated through your fitness journey and healthy lifestyle. There will be two parts to …

My Fall Fitness Routine- FitnessFriday

Fall is finally here! Which means that It’s getting colder outside, therefore, I had to make some changes to my fitness routine. It’s been a struggle trying to adapt to a new routine especially since I moved into a different apartment. Therefore, I’ve been trying different things (workout, meal prep) that I can include into my daily …

My Top 5 Favorite Glutes Exercises – FitnessFriday

Happy FitnessFriday fam! I wanted to start sharing some of my favorite exercises for glutes, abs, legs, arms for FitnessFridays. For today’s post, I am sharing with y’all 5 of my favorite glutes exercises! They are pretty simple, however, they work wonders! Also you need little to no equipment for them!       1. …